Sports Massage Windsor retreat and injury rehab
We understand that an athlete wants to be back playing sport or back to normal as soon as possible after an injury, as does anyone who is in pain from an injury. Your injury may be treated using a variety of modalities to provide the best outcome in the shortest time possible.At the Sports Massage Windsor retreat, Chinese cupping (a traditional Chinese therapy that applies suction cups over soft tissues) is very useful for separating muscle fibres, reducing pain, increasing circulation and increasing range of motion. Moxibustion (burning herbs to stimulate acupuncture points) provides heat to any area to aid with specific conditions. You will be given specific take home exercises to also help your recovery at our Sports Massage Windsor retreat. EFT may also be appropriate to help relieve the stress associated with the pain and frustration with having an injury.
Sports Massage Windsor defined;
Sports massage is designed to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity by the manipulation of soft tissue. The practitioners at The Sports Massage Windsor retreat will assist in correcting the problem and imbalances in the soft tissue that have caused the injury.
Your sports massage therapist will check your skeletal and muscular alignment to possibly learn how the injury can be prevented in the future. Your therapist will use sports massage to help reduce the effects of physical activity and trauma to benefit the athlete, for optimal rehabilitation to return to full range of motion.
We may combine a range of modalities if we think it will aid in your recovery. We use natural homemade balms that have anti inflammatory essential oils added.
Pre-event sports massage
Pre-event sports massage is a vigorous massage that is designed to warm up the muscles about to be used, it also has a positive psychological effect on the athlete. Empty Chinese cupping can also be used.
Post-event sports massage
The benefits of a post-event sports massage are a reduced recovery time for the athlete. The athlete’s body is returned to homeostasis quicker after hard training or competition. It helps prevent soft tissue injuries, relaxes the muscles by reducing excessive post-exercise muscle tightness. Massage will speed the removal of waste products like lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Other benefits to massage are an increase in oxygen and fresh blood to the muscles. Massage aids in helping the athlete deal with the stress of competition with an increase of psychological and emotional relaxation. Sports Massage Windsor breaks down the adhesions in the muscles and lengthens the athlete’s career.
Injury recovery – A team approach
At Essential Bliss we understand that it takes a team of people to best treat an athlete. We are prepared to refer if we think it is appropriate.
Effective sports massage at the Sports Massage Windsor Retreat
For your treatment to be effective we use a variety of techniques to treat soft tissue dysfunction. The assessment and evaluation of the injury is important. We need an understanding of how healthy tissue behaves and knowledge of the soft tissue injury. We will match the treatment to the injury. Each client will be treated as an individual without a one size fits all approach.
We understand that rushing the healing process could lead to re-injuring the tissue. We will use techniques to normalise the dysfunction by restoring movement patterns, strengthening and improving flexibility in the best possible time frame.
Treatment aim for an injury;
To encourage weak and disorganised scar tissue into fully functional and normal tissue as soon as possible.
To increase mobility, strength and restore flexibility by progressively increasing normal use and loading. For this to be achieved we understand this requires repeated stretching and specific exercises or the scar tissue will start shortening. We will prescribe after care exercises to aid in the rehabilitation process.
Techniques used;
Myofascial release (MFR)
Myofascial release is a gentle, slow technique that focuses on releasing tight and short muscles. It can be effective where flexibility and function has been lost from an injury. Myofascial release can be used on virtually any soft tissue area.
Soft tissue release (STR)
Soft tissue release is an effective technique on targeted muscles and connective tissue. It combines active and passive stretches with pressure and/or massage over or with the muscle fibres. The goal is for the muscles to spontaneously release at the injury by appealing to the autonomic nervous system. Resulting in reorganising of the scar tissue and targeted muscles.
Contract Relax Agonist (Antagonist) Contract CRAC and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation PNF stretching
Refers to a group of advanced stretching techniques that use active muscle contraction to assist the stretch. PNF and CRAC stretching is considered to be the most effective way to quickly and safely gain flexibility. It can significantly increase joint range of motion (ROM) and develops muscular strength and neuromuscular control.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
PNF stretching exists in a number of different forms eg contract relax (CR) and contract relax and antagonist contraction (CRAC) methods.
Contract relax (CR) The muscle to be stretched is passively taken to end of range by the therapist.
The client contracts the muscle group being stretched for 7 secs, the therapist applies enough pressure to resist any movement (the 7 second contraction allows autogenic inhibition to occur). The client relaxes the muscle for a few seconds, therapist applies a slow, static stretch to a new point of limitation and holds for 15 – 30 seconds, continue to repeat the process. How to perform these stretches
Using Essential oils to aid in recovery of an injury
Some Anti-inflammatory essential oils are: German chamomile, everlasting, yarrow and lavender to assist in the reduction of inflammation, willowbark (the original aspirin), use only with a trained Aromatherapist, you could make a cold compress using a combination of these oils.
Bruising: Ice several times a day, you can add gentle massage after the acute stage with a blend of hyssop, black pepper, spike lavender, rosemary in a carrier oil;. Arnica infused oil is helpful in bringing out the bruise. Use Aloe Vera for also for burns, cuts and bites.
Fractures: Comfrey is a herb that was coined “knit bone” for it’s ability to aid in the process of healing broken bones.
Sub-acute and chronic injury management
Strains: Tiger Balm – contains camphor; Arnica ointment; Massage with blend of lavender, Ginger and German chamomile with hypericum (StJohn’s wart) infused oil; Camphor is good for reducing the formation of scar tissue and adhesions
Sprains: Massage using ginger, nutmeg, rosemary and hypericum infused oil three times a day; For persistent sprains use the alternating hot and cold compresses containing · peppermint or eucalyptus oil
Neuritis, neuralgia: Massage with a blend of Spanish marjoram, spike lavender and rosemary; Hypericum ointment is very useful for sciatica.
Disc herniation: Massage with rosemary, peppermint and ginger.
Arthritis: Fish oils, Evening primrose oil
Essential Oils for Sports Massage to help relieve pain and inflammation and help relaxation:
– Rosemary – for analgesia and relaxation; helps reduce a headache.
– Peppermint – cooling, helps reduce a headache.
– Marjoram, sweet or Spanish – analgesic and warming, useful for muscle spasms.
– Lemon – helps circulation.
– Lavender – relaxation and analgesic, helps reduce a headache.
– Winter-green – used in liniments for muscular and articular aches (toxic if used for long periods).
– Bay – analgesic, antispasmodic and cooling.
Terms defined
Rubefacient Promotes blood flow and creates a feeling of warmth accompanied by reddening.
Vasodilator Dilates blood vessels to allow more nutrients and oxygen needed for the healing process. It also carries away broken down cells and fluids like lactic acid, the main cause of sore muscles. Counter-irritant, increases circulation in the area applied and crowds out pain impulses to the brain.
Anaesthetic Partially, or completely, blocks out all messages of sensations like pain, pressure, temperature and touch from reaching the brain.
Analgesic Causes absence of sensations of pain.
Carminative Relieves gastric and intestinal flatulence by breaking down air bubbles trapped in the stomach
Tiger balm ingredients explained
Camphor – Rubefacient Anaesthetic
Menthol Mentha – Anaesthetic
Clove Oil – Analgesic
Cajeput Oil – Analgesic, antispasmodic
Peppermint Oil – cooling, Anaesthetic, Carminative
Cassia Oil – Carminative
Paraffin Petrolatum 43 36.8