Aromatherapy Hawkesbury retreat
At The Aromatherapy Hawkesbury retreat we provide beautiful treatments for a relaxing experience from our highly qualified practitioners. Our Aromatherapy massages are tailored to your specific needs on the day, using high grade, fresh, 100% essential oils. Your individual blend will be made fresh for your needs on the day. We guarantee your aromatherapy massage at our retreat will leave you feeling more relaxed and refreshed.
Aromatherapy massage
Aromatherapy massage is an indulgent treatment using a selection of 100% pure essential oils chosen for your specific needs. At our Aromatherapy Hawkesbury retreat your friendly practitioner will fill out a consultation form with you so we can provide the best treatment for you. Essential oils will be selected on an individual client basis to support your presenting condition. Your practitioner will create a personal blend of high quality pure essential oils to best suit your needs on the day. The Aromatherapy treatment is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating but because we are well trained professional practitioners we will also be treating your presenting condition at the same time.
Aromatherapy massage treatments may help with;
A treatment may help with depression, anxiety, stress, period pain, headaches, digestive issues and many other complaints. The aromatherapy massage is a Micheline Arcier style massage, who developed this aromatherapy sequence, we have found it is best to follow the sequence for the most beneficial aromatherapy massage treatment.
The Micheline Arcier sequence
We have chosen Micheline Arcier’s sequence for our Aromatherapy Hawkesbury retreat as it is a classic sequence and very effective. Aromatherapy massage uses various holistic principles but is concentrated on the nervous system to create a regulating effect.
Aromatherapy massage History
Aromatherapy with the use of essential oils for healing has existed for 5000 years. At our Aromatherapy Hawkesbury retreat we use essential oils to help support your mind, body and spirit. Essential oils when inhaled enter the blood stream and have a psychological effect. Essential oils can be absorbed by Aromatherapy massage, used in vaporises, added to baths or inhaled simply on cotton wool.
The success of your treatment is also about having someone to trust, listen and respond to your needs. We understand this and create a healing understanding environment for your treatment.
At our Aromatherapy Hawkesbury retreat our very experienced Aromatherapy practitioners use the senses touch and smell to give you a wonderful treatment. Some essential oils have powerful antibacterial properties and others have psycho therapeutic applications, relieving stress, depression, insomnia and premenstrual syndrome.
Using Essential oils to aid in recovery of an injury
Anti-inflammatory essential oils
Some Anti-inflammatory essential oils are: German chamomile, everlasting, yarrow and lavender and may assist in the reduction of inflammation. Willowbark (the original aspirin), can be used but only with a trained Aromatherapist, a cold compress using a combination of these oils may help reduce inflammation.
Care for bruises
Bruising: Ice several times a day, you can add gentle massage after the acute stage with a blend of hyssop, bay, black pepper, spike lavender and rosemary in a carrier oil;. Arnica infused oil is helpful in bringing out the bruise. Use Aloe Vera also for burns, cuts and bites.
Fractures: Comfrey is a herb that was coined “knit bone” for it’s ability to aid in the process of healing broken bones.
Sub-acute and chronic injury management
Strains can be treated with: Tiger Balm – contains camphor, Arnica ointment, massage with blend of lavender, Ginger and German chamomile with hypericum (StJohn’s wart) infused oil and Camphor is good for reducing the formation of scar tissue and adhesions.
Sprains can be treated with: Massage using ginger, nutmeg, rosemary and hypericum infused oil three times a day; For persistent sprains use the alternating hot and cold compresses containing · peppermint or eucalyptus oil. Shiatsu is also a very effective treatment.
Neuritis, neuralgia: Massage with a blend of Spanish marjoram, spike lavender and rosemary; Hypericum ointment is very useful for sciatica.
Disc herniation: Massage with rosemary, peppermint and ginger.
Arthritis: Fish oils, Evening primrose oil
Essential oils for sports massage and other treatments
Essential Oils for Sports Massage to help relieve pain and inflammation and help relaxation:
– Rosemary – for analgesia and relaxation; helps reduce a headache.
– Peppermint – cooling, helps reduce a headache.
– Marjoram, sweet or Spanish – analgesic and warming, useful for muscle spasms.
– Lemon – helps circulation.
– Lavender – relaxation and analgesic, helps reduce a headache.
– Winter-green – used in liniments for muscular and articular aches (toxic if used for long periods).
– Bay – analgesic, antispasmodic and cooling.
Terms defined
Rubefacient Promotes blood flow and creates a feeling of warmth accompanied by reddening.
Vasodilator Dilates blood vessels to allow more nutrients and oxygen needed for the healing process. It also carries away broken down cells and fluids like lactic acid, the main cause of sore muscles. Counter-irritant, increases circulation in the area applied and crowds out pain impulses to the brain.
Anaesthetic Partially, or completely, blocks out all messages of sensations like pain, pressure, temperature and touch from reaching the brain.
Analgesic Causes absence of sensations of pain.
Carminative Relieves gastric and intestinal flatulence by breaking down air bubbles trapped in the stomach
Tiger balm ingredients explained
Camphor – Rubefacient Anaesthetic
Menthol Mentha – Anaesthetic
Clove Oil – Analgesic
Cajeput Oil – Analgesic, antispasmodic
Peppermint Oil – cooling, Anaesthetic, Carminative
Cassia Oil – Carminative
Paraffin Petrolatum 43 36.8
How Essential Oils can be incorporated into your day
Always dilute essential oils in a ratio of 1 drop per 2ml of carrier oil (for the body) before applying to the skin. Eg for 10mls of carrier oil you would use 5 drops of essential oils for the body. Only 1 drop per 4mls (for the face) and the elderly. I recommend only using essential oils on children with a qualified Aromatherapist.
Never use 100% essential oils on the skin without a carrier oil. The exception is lavender oil, which is excellent first aid for burns.
Shower and bath time
Essential oils can be used instead of soap in the shower, it’s a beautiful way to start the day. Alternate different oils to suit your mood and health at the time. Use a couple of drops in your hair as a final rinse to improve the health of your hair. Warm oil massages with essential oils before a bath or as a hair treatment.
Essential oils can be added to a bath for a completely relaxing sensation, add patchouli for romance, lavender for relaxation, jasmine and bergomot for stress relief.
Essential oils to start your day
Rosemary will stimulate and activate, Lemon will uplift, peppermint will invigorate and motivate and frankincense to rejuvenate.
Take some oils from you chosen morning blend and add to 180 mls of water and use a brush and cleanse your body in the shower.
After showering take some base oil and add some essential oils and gently massage into your body in a loving way. Try using sandalwood for it’s calming, harmonising effect to reduce tension.
Inhalations, you can buy specific inhalation sticks or simply use a cotton wool ball. Essential oils can be added to hot water and used to inhale the steam to relieve a blocked nose. Essential oils can be added to an oil burner to clear the energy in a room or enhance whatever mood you would like on the day.
Add essential oils to hydrosols or just distilled water, add lemon or pine for their antimicrobial, antiseptic properties, shake well before use.
Essential oils can be added to hot or cold compresses to relieve an injury, add cajeput for it’s analgesic, antispasmoic properties.
Essential oils can be added to creams, gels, ointments, balms, clay masks and poultices.
Always use fresh 100% essential oils in there correct dilutions.
How to treat PMS
It is unfortunate that in the west we view the time of menstruation very differently to other cultures. The women of the Yurok tribe of Northern California practice isolating themselves from the tribe during menstruation as it is considered a time when she is at the height of her powers. The tribe embraces this belief and she is relieved of all duties and concerns of the opposite sex. The women come together for concentrated meditation, to channel their purpose in life. The blood is seen as a purification process, preparing her for spiritual accomplishment.
At Essential Bliss we are passionate about helping women especially in coping with period pain and PMS. I have found that aromatherapy works extremely well to help in these areas. Combined with shiatsu, the correct selection of acupressure points and EFT (tapping) we can help. Using essential oils in a carrier oil rubbed into the abdomen 10 days prior to your period starting, is very effective to help relieve pain during menstruation.
Essential oils for period pain
Clary sage, geranium, cedarwood, fennel, rose otto, roman chamomile and neroli are invaluable during this time. A combination of three oils can be selected and rubbed into your abdomen twice a day, with a carrier oil.
Pre-menstrual blend
Cary sage, lavender and roes otto
Painful period blend
Clary sage, basil, peppermint and eucalyptus
Irregular period blend
Basil, rose otto and geranium
Hormonal re-balancing blend
Basil, rose otto and geranium
The chakras
Ancient Indian yogic texts speak of special energy centers existing in our bodies. These are referred to as our chakras, coming from the Sanskrit meaning wheels or vortexes. Chakras can be described as taking in higher energies and transforming it into a form that can be utilized by the body.
The chakras are anatomically undetectable but they are metaphysically linked with a number of different physiological systems. The endocrine glands are part of our bodies control system, affecting the bodies physiology on a cellular level through the functioning of the nervous system. It is well known that stress affects our immune system.
The chakras are vital in the regulation of the bodies states of consciousness and emotional well being, because inner emotional balance is a function of balanced chakras.
The hot stones can also be left in place on the chakras. The stationary smooth heated stones are left on the 7 main chakras or on either side of the spine. Small stones can be placed in between the toes and fingers also to further encourage deep relaxation. The client can either be left in peace or the massage continued in other areas of the body.
Placing the stones on the chakras further enhances the treatment by re-balancing your chakra energy system.
The base chakra
The base chakra can hold emotions of fear, anxiety, doubt, and insecurity. By realigning this chakra it can help to release these emotions. The meridians aligned with the base chakra are the kidney and bladder meridian. The muscles, hips, shoulders, spine, coccyx, kidneys, legs, feet, reproductive, physical drive and calves area affected by the base chakra. The adrenals are linked to the root chakra in association with the issue of physical survival.
The colour is red, essential oils that relate to the root chakra are; bay, ginger, peppermint, black pepper, carrot seed, clove, benzoin, cedarwood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver. These can be used in addition to massage in a bath, vaporiser or water spray.
Affirmation for the root chakra
I nurture my body every day, it is a temple. I am responsible for my life. I deserve the very best that life has to offer. Whatever the situation, I can cope. My needs are always met.
The sacral chakra
The sacral chakra may hold emotions or feelings of depression, anxiety, worry, lust, inadequacy and envy. This chakra also holds fears in relation to money. The pericardium meridian is aligned with the sacral chakra. The prostate, spleen, uterus, bladder, pelvis and hips are affected by the sacral chakra. The ovaries and testes are related to the sacral chakra. The relationship with our sexual organs and issues of emotional balance is the key association of this chakra. By re-balancing this chakra it may help release these areas of the body and emotions.
The colour association is orange, the essential oils to use are; clary sage, coriander, niaouli, petitgrain, mandarin, cypress, cinnamon, jasmine, myrrh, patchouli, rose, vetiver, ylang ylang. These can be added to a massage oil, bath, vaporiser and water spray.
I am moving towards a time when I am totally happy and fulfilled. I have everything I need for that journey. I deserve love and sexual pleasure. I am prepared to honour my body and feel good.
The solar plexus chakra
Your solar plexus chakra could be holding emotions of anger, bitterness, doubt, rage, hostility and/or disappointment. The solar plexus is related to digestion, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system, abdominal cavity, muscles, chest, upper back, neck and forearms. The solar plexus is associated with the pancreas. One of the dysfunctions of the solar plexus is diabetes. Liver and stomach meridians are aligned with the solar plexus. These areas may be helped with an energy re-balance using hot stones and/or aromatherapy.
Colour is yellow, Essential oils to use are; lemon, lemongrass, ginger, peppermint, thyme, black pepper, cinnamon bark, juniper, sweet marjoram, melissa, rosemary, cedarwood, spikenard, vetiver, ylang ylang.
I value and accept myself exactly as I am. My personal power is becoming stronger every day. I am my own person, I choose how to think and behave.
The heart chakra
The heart chakra can hold emotions of low self worth, insecurity, self doubt, feeling broken hearted and sadness. The heart chakra may be affecting the circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs, thoracic cavity, rib cage, the upper back, stomach and fronts of the legs. The heart chakra is associated with the thymus. The heart and small intestine meridians are aligned with the heart chakra. Any massage with the caring sense of touch will help these emotions.
The association is colour is green, essential oils to use are; bay, bergamot, sage, black pepper, carrot seed, cinnamon bark, spike lavender, sweet marjoram, melissa, neroli, benzoin, everlasting, frankincense, sandalwood, spikenard and rose. These can be used in massage, bath, vaporiser and water sprays.
I send love to everyone I know, all hearts are open to receive love, including mine. I love myself for who I am and the potential within me. I am grateful for the all the love that is in my life.
The throat chakra
The throat chakra holds emotions of sadness, depression, grief, guilt, intolerance, regret and not being able to let go. The mouth, voice, neck, ribs, shoulders, lower back, hips and hamstrings may be affected by an unbalanced throat chakra. The thyroid is linked to the throat chakra by way of communication. This corresponds to the need for balance between the rational and the emotional expression of the heart. The lung and large intestine meridians are aligned with the throat chakra.
The colour is blue, essential oils to use are; spearmint, carrot seed, cypress, Roman and German chamomile, geranium, lavender, frankincense and sandalwood.
I am starting to speak up for myself. What I have to say is worthy of being listened to. I delight in my self expression and all my creative pursuits. I always speak from the heart.
The third eye chakra
The third eye is involved with the emotions of shyness, feelings of overwhelm, confusion, shame, anger, judgement and boredom. The front and back of the shoulders, eyes, nose, ears, brain and behind the knees could be affected by the third eye. The pituitary gland is associated with the third eye chakra. The gallbladder and ren meridian are aligned with the third eye.
The colour is blue, essential oils to use are; clary sage, thyme, pine, rosemary, rock rose, cedarwood, everlasting, frankincense, myrrh and rose.
The answers to all my questions lie within me and always come to me at the perfect time. I trust my inner self to guide and protect me. I trust my feelings. Making mistakes enables me to learn, grow and develop.
The crown chakra
The crown chakra holds emotions of loneliness, despair, solitude, exhaustion and hopelessness. The inside of the legs, calf muscle, central nervous system, hair, head and upper back may be suffering because your crown chakra needs re-balancing. The crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland. The meridians involved with the crown chakra are triple heater and ren meridians.
The colour is violet, essential oils to use are; basil, lavender, rock rose, rosemary, rosewood, angelica, benzoin, frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, rose and spikenard.
I have infinite intelligence and in my creativity connect my spirit to the source of all knowledge. I release all limited thoughts and lift myself up to ever higher levels of awareness. I tune into the union with my higher power.
Chakras exist outside the etheric body and are points of connection through which energy flows from one being to another. Consider the chakras like individual gears in an interconnecting structure of cogged wheels. If one of the wheels revolves too fast or too slow in relation to the others, the entire system would have to be re-aligned in order to perform correctly.
If the chakras become dysfunctional, they may be too open or rotating sluggishly. This could be caused by some emotional blockage. Once the dysfunction has been identified, it will be easier to bring to chakras back into equilibrium.
For a free download of affirmations from Louise Hay click here